.. -*- coding: utf-8 -*- .. _MDAnalysis: http://www.mdanalysis.org .. _MDAnalysisTests: http://wiki.mdanalysis.org/UnitTests .. _conda: http://conda.pydata.org/ .. _pip: https://pip.pypa.io/en/stable/ .. _macports: https://www.macports.org/ .. _chapter-installing-mdanalysis: ====================================== MDAnalysis installation instructions ====================================== You will need a working installation of MDAnalysis_ on your **Linux** or **Mac OS X** laptop. Windows is not supported at this time but Windows users can try to use a `virtual machine with MDAnalysis pre-installed`_. For this tutorial, you will need at least version |MDAnalysis_version| of MDAnalysis (which should be automatically installed when you follow the instructions below). The installation recipes will install *MDAnalysis*, *MDAnalysisTests* (test cases) [#otherdownloads]_, and all required libraries and Python packages. .. note:: If you have problems at any stage, ask for :ref:`help`. Installation methods ==================== We tested two approaches to install MDAnalysis and all its dependencies. The :ref:`first approach` is based on the `conda`_ package management system and is recommended for anyone new to scientific computing with Python (or if the :ref:`second approach` fails). .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 install_conda install_native_pip .. _help: Help! ===== If there are problems then please have a closer look at the `installation notes`_ and the `installation recipes`_; in particular, `installing the netcdf library`_ can become more involved. If you need help with installation issues, please do not hesitate to ask on the `user discussion group`_ or via the `issue tracker`_. If nothing else works you can also use a complete installation inside a `virtual machine with MDAnalysis pre-installed`_. .. _installation notes: http://wiki.mdanalysis.org/Install .. _installation recipes: http://wiki.mdanalysis.org/InstallRecipes .. _installing the netcdf library: http://wiki.mdanalysis.org/netcdf .. _user discussion group: http://groups.google.com/group/mdnalysis-discussion .. _tutorial git repository: https://github.com/MDAnalysis/MDAnalysisTutorial .. _`vm/README.rst`: https://github.com/MDAnalysis/MDAnalysisTutorial/tree/master/vm .. _`virtual machine with MDAnalysis pre-installed`: http://www.mdanalysis.org/MDAnalysisTutorial/installation.html#virtual-machine .. _issue tracker: https://github.com/MDAnalysis/mdanalysis/issues .. rubric:: Footnotes .. [#otherdownloads] For the workshop you will also need to additionally :ref:`download example trajectories`.