.. -*- mode: reST; coding: utf-8 -*- .. _chapter-datadownload: =============== Data Download =============== Download a set of trajectories for the tutorial (equilibrium trajectories and DIMS trajectories) from dropbox `CECAM_Workshop/MDAnalysis`_. You can do all of it from the commandline with `curl`_: .. code-block:: bash curl -o mdatrj.zip -L 'https://www.dropbox.com/sh/am6y00kac8myihe/AABDiQI28fWnRZueQTT7W2s1a?dl=1' unzip mdatrj.zip && rm mdatrj.zip You should now have two directories named ``equilibrium/`` and ``dims/`` containing PSF and DCD files. Note that this is about 318 MiB so **download well in advance of the workshop** where (and when) you have a good internet connection. You can also use Dropbox_, add the shared `CECAM_Workshop/MDAnalysis`_ folder to your own Dropbox account and then work from there during the tutorial. .. _`CECAM_Workshop/MDAnalysis`: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/ln0klc9j7mhvxkg/AAB0gMcPPsrDhdVrM2PWmopXa?dl=0 .. _Dropbox: https://www.dropbox.com .. _curl: http://curl.haxx.se/